Mordai Metalworker

What is Mordai Metalworker?

Mordai Metalworker is an action-adventure roguelike game where you play as a dwarf blacksmith alternating between exploration, preparation, and combat across multiple dungeon-like levels. Wield your tools as both weapons and implements of creation. Mine, forge, build, and fight as you test your mettle in a quest to save your city.

Can I play it now?

Yes! While the game is in development it can be played for free either in-browser or via download (Windows). You can try it on our page.

When will it fully release?

Fall 2024

For which platforms?

PC (Windows), distributed via Steam and For the duration of development, we will support web browsers, but that may eventually change based on the direction of the game. We do intend to support controllers and Steam Deck.

How much will it cost?

We’re currently targeting the $5-$10 price range.

How can I follow development?

Whenever a new version is ready, we update here: Devlogs can also be found on here: The official Steam version is still in progress, and therefore is not currently visible to the public. We will update this page and all of our social media accounts when it launches.

We’ve also created a subreddit for the game!

    How can I support development?

    If you’d like to support the project please feel free to like, follow, and share our social media accounts. We’re also accepting donations on our page mentioned above. If you have questions or feedback on the game, please contact us.